Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It sure has been a while, but I'm back!

I'm finally back to civilization, and I can gladly say that I am on my own computer, with good speed internet, and I'm excited to finally post my birth story, pictures from June 13th, the day my beautiful baby was born, and then of course picture from then til now.
Kayleigh Jade Garcia was born on June 13th, 2011 at 10:37 AM on Monday morning. She is now almost 3 months old. I know, shame on me for not keeping up with my posts, but you know what? I was in Casa Grande, where the internet was kinda useless, so I basically used my phone for internet lol. Thats alright, like I said, im here now and Im happy to say that im finally starting to get my baby girl on a schedule that will allow me to get things done such as this blog update, and my baby cross stitch project which is ALMOST done by the way, and I plan to print out pictures of kayleigh and our whole family to scrapbook and put into photo albums. Oh and eventually i will get my new temporary home clean. "Temporary" because Jon and I have moved into my cousin Amanda's townhouse for the time they are in Utah attending school. We might leave earlier than the 3 or 4 years, but that will be if we can find a house of our own, and qualify. Once I get the place cleaned up enough, I will post pictures of it as well, but for now, im gonna start with my birth story, and pictures of that day.

Kayleigh Jade: Birth Story:

June 12th, 2011
Jon and I arrived at the Banner Desert Hospital in Mesa, AZ bright and early on Sunday morning. The plan was to be induced.. I could hardly stand pregnancy anymore, and was about ready to burst... yes, literally.
I received my first set of 'gels' at 8 in the morning, and i was to stay in bed for the first hour, the second hour I could get up and move around.. thank goodness too, because i was sure getting annoyed with the tight monitor around my belly, and i was all hooked up to the machines to be monitored in various fashions.. such as my contractions, baby's heartbeat, so on and so forth. I received another set of gels a couple hours later.. then an hour or so after that, i welcomed my contractions, gritting my teeth and clenching the hospital bed railings. No way was I going to be weak, I could take it.
Sure, Courtney, you can totally take it... because after a while I said... NO, I dont want to feel this crazy pain anymore. Who would! Yea, I know, that doesnt make me weak, it just means that i'd rather be comfortable. I received stydol (unsure of the spelling), basically its a pain med that would still allow me to get up (if i could) instead of being hooked up to the bed.
It sure threw me for a loop, I was totally out of it, and i didnt really feel the pain anymore. This lasted for about an hour, and at this point, I said HELLO to my contractions again. I got more of the stydol, but it didnt do anything for me.. I waited, feeling the contractions and trying to decide whether I just wanted the epideral already. At this point, the nurse had been checking every once in a while to see if I was dialating... I was BARELY dialating, and it had been HOURS... most of the day had gone by. I wasnt getting hardly any rest, but PLENTY of visitors.
I finally got my epideral, and it felt like a hot sharp poke in my back, but ten minutes later, i was numb everywhere and the contractions were only apparant on the monitor and the tightness of my belly. This was good. I was definetely annoyed with the pain of the contractions. haha!
Hours of waiting, and plenty of attempted rest, and attempted movement, and tingly feelings in my legs and feet went by and needless to say it was well into the night and i was wondering when the heck my little one was going to decide it was time to make her big debut.

June 13th, 2011

The epideral was starting to fade, and i could move my left leg, and I knew when I needed to push, starting around 8am, I started pushing, and the task wasnt easy. It lasted for 2 hours, and I felt intense pressure with each contraction.. They gave me more epideral, but I can honestly say that i dont think it was enough, because by the time my doctor came in, and my baby was ready, getting her out was definetly the worst pain ive felt in my life. But once it was done, I felt a great relief. I was exhausted, but numb as I was being stitched together for at least 15 minutes... *cringe* They put little Kayleigh Jade right up on my chest after she was born and wiped off, and I held her close, it was such a neat and spiritual experience I was just in shock.

They took her away to do shots, tests, and all that joyful stuff that babies have to go through after the trauma of being born, lol, and I realized I was STARVING.. My mom brought me a sub, and soda, and I layed in bed for a half hour. I slept on and off. I then thought I was ready to move to the recovery room. I was wrong. They tried to help me to the bathroom first, I managed to be wheeled in there... and once I sat down, I realized I wasnt gonna make it. I put my head down, and heard the nurses say ok we need to get you back to bed. I passed out completely, and I have to say that was the first time ive experienced passing out to this degree.. it was insane, a sickly feeling, I realized that i was back in my original bed and was told I should lay there and wait. Eventually I was moved to my recovery room, and jon and i werent released from the hospital until wednesday the 15th.
It was quite the experience, and it was quite worth it.

Kayleigh Jade

She is the joy of my life, and I love being Kayleigh's mom!

More to come... I plan to post more pictures, not only of Kayleigh, but of the townhouse, our family, and more stories of our new life!!! :-D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Best Buy Baby Shower!!

The first four pictures are from the Baby Shower that my friend Dave (and his wife) from my work threw me! It was fun! Even though only a few went, a good portion of people pitched in to buy my car seat! How awesome is that!!! The last picture is a bouncer we got from the shower that i absolutely HAD to put together once i got home. I'm super excited about it! It plays music and that bar at the top is removeable with toys on it. We got tons of clothes, bibs, a keepsake box and a baby journal, a car seat toy, and the car seat and base!

Friday, January 28, 2011


We went for the 20 week ultrasound, to find out what we are having, and as many of you already know, we are having a girl. Yes, we have a first name. Kayleigh. We do not yet have a middle name, but we have some time!! So I thought I would post some ultrasound pics, and vids.
The picture is her profile! I thought it was pretty neat that we got one of her face (the side). Anyways, I'm feeling her move all of the time now, you can't quite feel it from the outside yet, but the doctor said it'll only be a couple more weeks! I'm very excited for Jon to be able to feel it!!!
My friend Dave from work and his wife are throwing me a baby shower on Sunday! I'm really excited! I'll probably be posting again after that, to share what I got!
Anyways, enjoy the vids and the picture of our little girl :)