Friday, January 28, 2011


We went for the 20 week ultrasound, to find out what we are having, and as many of you already know, we are having a girl. Yes, we have a first name. Kayleigh. We do not yet have a middle name, but we have some time!! So I thought I would post some ultrasound pics, and vids.
The picture is her profile! I thought it was pretty neat that we got one of her face (the side). Anyways, I'm feeling her move all of the time now, you can't quite feel it from the outside yet, but the doctor said it'll only be a couple more weeks! I'm very excited for Jon to be able to feel it!!!
My friend Dave from work and his wife are throwing me a baby shower on Sunday! I'm really excited! I'll probably be posting again after that, to share what I got!
Anyways, enjoy the vids and the picture of our little girl :)