Saturday, August 29, 2015

Thoughts about a current issue from the media

Hey everyone. So, it has been quite some time since I have posted anything on this blog. I didn't want to post my thoughts directly to facebook on this issue because I wasnt quite sure how long it would really be. In regards to the current hastag: #IStandWithCherish, I wanted to put some thoughts out there to ponder. (here is the article explaining the story of what happened to Cherish)
Anyway, My thoughts start here: All of the sudden, after many news stories of several different moms leaving their kids in a hot car, or forgetting about their kids and leaving, we have a story about a young mom named Cherish. Suddenly, people are rising against the judgemental people in this world. The ones who are calling these mothers names, and saying how DARE that mother even call herself a mom if she can't even remember her own child?! They are forming a group called IStandWithCherish. Its all over the place. I was even added to the group. My controversial thoughts on this start here: Why did we not defend all of the previous mothers that had a similar issue? Were there facebook groups rising against all of the people judging these mothers? If so, they were very quite. Why all of the sudden are we standing up for one mom? Was her story any different? Not really. So what makes it okay all of the sudden? I do believe that all mothers make mistakes, and we are not all perfect. I just am not sure I understand why we are all fighting for the cause of one woman suddenly, when we didn't have any nice words for the women who came before her.
Food for thought. Just thinking out loud, wondering if anyone else had the same thoughts as me.