Saturday, February 2, 2013

Many changes, including a new addition to our family!

 We have many new things going on in our lives! On September 2nd at 4:14pm, Logan Andrew Garcia was born! It sure has taken me awhile to update this. He is 5 months old now! Obviously ive been a busy woman. My little ones are 15 months apart, and Kayleigh loves her little brother. Logan loves Kayleigh too. You can see how he just lights up everytimes she pays attention to him! I wonder how that will change over the years.... HA!
I'm just going to put some random things here on this post that have been going on, since I wanted to update, but I'm also exhausted like nobody's business! I don't know how mothers of more than two manage! I give props to all of you! Having two has made me just want two! I am not finalizing anything... but thats sure how I feel currently....
Since October 31st, I have been on and off sick as a dog. It's been ridiculous. I mean seriously. I have had colds that last a week, and even through November I had a bad cold or flu or something WITH bronchitis that lasted over a month! Now I'm just getting over another week long cold. SERIOUSLY, WHY????!!
Other than that, Kayleigh has been learning so many things! She knows that 2 comes after 1, and shes a bit stuck on 3 and 4, but she gets allllll excited when I say 1,2,3,4.... and she shouts 5!!!!!!!!! It's pretty cute. She is an expert at unlocking my iPhone, and she knows how to get into Netflix and her games. Sheesh. She names a bunch of animals and letters, and she points at the moon and says "moo? MOO!?" Also she says "aipla aipla" for airplane, and she attempts helicopter. It's kinda like "hopocopa"
Logan is growling, screeching, laughing, cooing, smiling, and trying his best to sit up. He loves to grab his toes, and he prefers to stand in your lap most of the time. HATES to lay down. lol.
I'll post a few pics, then its off to the bed I go!